Hard & Software Sales

Frappant is representing Daxtra Technologies in the Benelux, France, Germany, Austria en Switserland.

Daxtra is a company specialized in software for recruitment agencies and job boards. The solution is consisting out of 3 modules.

A candidate capture module, that allows you to analyze the CV and extract all the relevant data out of the CV. This data is then ready to be put in your recruitment database. This can happen in a automatic or semi-automatic way. When you choose for the semi-automatic way, their will always be a human validation needed. Daxtra has plug-ins and interfaces with almost all the recruitment databases out on the market.

A second part of the solution is Search Station. This tool will allow you to search your local recruitment database as well as job boards and social network sites like Xing and Linkedin. And this all with just one press of the button. For example when you are looking for a financial project manager, you enter financial project manager in the search engine and press search. the system will now search your local database as well as the job boards and the social network sites. The results are presented in a list from where you can choose the most interesting candidate for you.

The third part of the Daxtra solution is a multi posting tool that will allow you to post jobs to your own website as well as to job boards at the same time. Afterwards you will be able to analyze where the most applicants are coming from and when they have applied for what job. This will allow you to measure your return of investment on credits for the job boards.

The advantage of this 3 module solution is that you can purchase all the modules in 1 package or you just buy the module that you want now and are able to extend the solution afterwards.

If you have any questions about the solution ore require a demo in French, German, English or Dutch. Please contact us via e-mail at info@frappant.cc or by phone at +32.477.98.27.96