About Frappant

Why Frappant will a lot of people say. First of all I really like the word Frappant. You don’t hear it so much but when somebody is using it all the people around are paying attention. It is also one of these words that mean in different languages more or less the same.

The dictionary states that Frappant stands for: Striking, Remarkable, Noteworthy, surprisingly.

Let these be values ​​that I consider important for a company offering services to customers. The result is that the name choice was fairly quickly done.

Frappant was founded by Patrick Coun on April 1st 2011. The idea to start up my own business was residing in my head for a few years already. And it had to be a company that provide services to other companies. Reason for that is that during my career until now I have seen a lot of good and bad service providers passing by. From that experience I’m well placed to see what is a solution that the customer needs. This and the fact that I’m not afraid to say no, when I believe that I can not bring any added value for a customer makes me able to analyze a customer requirement and then propose them a solution that will fit their needs.

On the next pages you will get an overview of what services Frappant can offer you. When yoour interested are have any questions about what Frappant can do for you. Please don’t hesitate and pick up the phone to call Patrick on +32.477.98.27.96